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  香腸,按照種類可以分成血腸(blood sausage)、南非的Boerewors、臘腸、西藏香腸Gyurma、猶太香腸Helzel、熱狗腸、斯洛維尼亞香腸Kranjska klobasa、希臘香腸Loukaniko、古羅馬香腸Lucanica、北非的梅格茲香腸Merguez、炸熱狗(corn dog)Pepperette、泰北香料香腸Sai ua、酸味香腸Summer sausage、盧森堡黑布丁Träipen、德國咖哩香腸Volkswagen currywurst、白布丁White pudding、冬季莎樂美腸Winter salami等。

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  Higashiyama Akira’s (東山彰良) Japanese Naokishou (直木賞) 2015 winning novel Rye () depicts the story about the identity crisis of a seventeen-year-old Taiwanese high school student. Like his protagonist Ye Chiu-sheng (葉秋生) in the novel, Higashiyama Akira was born in Taiwan with a grandfather from Shandong province of China after the Chinese civil war in the end 1940s. Higashiyama, whose Chinese name is Wang Chen-hsu (王震緒), was born 1968 in Taipei City and moved to Japan at five with his family. And as Higashiyama says about his own identity crisis, his protagonist in the novel also shares the same kind of crisis: “I am always an outsider, no stranger to the issue of belonging.” What his character shares with Higashiyama is the conditions of collectivity in constant becoming, just like the English name of the title of this novel suggests “Flow” (). No stranger to the issue of belonging, both Higashiyama and Ye Chiu-sheng in the novel are the strange subjects in French philosopher Gilles Deleuze’s Anti-Oedipus, who “wandering about over the body without organs, but always remaining peripheral to the desiring-machine.” Furthermore, written in Japanese, Ryu affects readers, with the mystery and fantasy weaving among the yesteryear’s streets and famous buildings, the dress and hair style of high school students during 1970s, the historical events and relations between 20th century Taiwan and China, Taiwanese slangs written in Japanese language, and the search for the ancestral home of the protagonist’s grandfather in China’s Shandong province, creates machinic relations and desires. And the identities of the characters in Ryu are emerged from the intensive flows move between disequilibrium and equilibrium without ever reaching some determinated or fixed point of relation, but always differentiating and flowing.

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重慶火鍋、酸菜白肉鍋、涮羊肉這些華夏名鍋,或因氣候、或因物產或因習慣,而開展出各自勢力,卻又彼此共存共榮。想要麻辣一下,涮個毛肚鵝腸過過癮,就選重慶火鍋;想和朋友圍爐,把酒言歡,大口吃肉,就來個酸菜白肉鍋;想享受鮮美嫩滑的草原羔羊的原味,豪邁地配上幾杯二鍋頭,就吃涮羊肉。只是,粵菜三大菜系 – 廣府菜、潮(州)汕菜、東江菜(客家菜)之一,以烹飪海鮮見長的潮汕菜,竟以牛肉火鍋打出了名號,甚至席捲神州各大城市,這其中的緣由與發展究竟是什麼?

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